Saturday, March 27, 2010

Joey crying

Okay, I have a few people thinking Joey is always smiling. MOST of the time he is, but here is a picture to prove that once in a while he does cry :)

Joey getting around

Also this past week Joey learned how to get up on all fours and rock. He is so cute :)

But, whenever he wants to get around he does the "Marine Man" crawl...... You know the one they show on tv when they are on their bellies going full speed with their elbows and toes under a barbed wire fence? Joey can go at full speed just like them!

And when it comes to the bottom of his high chair he would rather go over the bars than take the time to go around :)

Joey standing

Joey is growing so fast, this past week he stood up for the first time all by himself right in front of Chris and I. And I managed to catch him on camera :)
Chris missed so many milestones like this while he was working two jobs when Jessie and Kenny were small. It is such a blessing we have a few more little ones to enjoy together !!!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Joey spends a lot of time enjoying his jumpy. It wears him out too - and makes his little legs stronger. I wish they made these for adults - just think how much more fun it would be exercising in one of these!

Joey is starting to get around really good now. He even helps me with the dishes :)

Baby on the way

Seeing Double?? Yes! That is two cribs :) We are expecting blessing number five in September :)

Friday, March 5, 2010

Joey's First Tooth

Today Joey got his first tooth!! It is on the bottom in the very front :) He is such a happy boy.
Lilypie 6th to 18th Ticker
Lilypie 6th to 18th Ticker
Lilypie 5th Birthday Ticker