Thursday, May 21, 2009


I really like this picture. Big brother Ricky is giving Jessie a ride. How sweet, these are the moments I really love about having a lot of children. They really do love each other and will have each other to lean on later in life :) God is good!!


Kenny is so brave - we just took the wheels off and he is keeping up with the others :)








All the heavy rains made a gread mud bogging track for the kids to play in.


This past weekend we took the training wheels off of Kenny's bike. And away he goes :)

Ricky's New Glasses

Well, after finding out Jessie had a vision problem we had the boys checked. Ricky actually needs glasses for reading. Isn't he cute :)

Friday, May 8, 2009


Well, I am 26 weeks pregnant and my little boy is growing very good. He is very active and loves to kick and roll. I decided to take the plunge for Mothers Day and get my hair cut! I feel light and free :)

Jessie gets glasses :)

Jessie wanted everyone to see her pretty pink glasses with little pink rinestones on the sides.

Jessie gets glasses :)

Recently we were all outside together and Jessie said "here comes Dalton" (our neighbor). Well, Chris looks over, and I look over and guess what - it was Ricky! So, we had Jessie's eyes checked and her left eye was not really seeing anything but being lazy.

She just got her new glasses - isn't she pretty!

Lowe's fun days

Lowe's fun days

Lowe's fun days

Lowe's fun days

Every other Saturday at 9:45 am Lowes has a build and Grow workshop. They give the kids a fun free project to build and take home. Tomorrow the project will be for Mothers Day :)

Ricky - Top Reader in Class!

Ricky also made Top Reader in his class the semester before Jessie. Way to go Ricky!
Lilypie 6th to 18th Ticker
Lilypie 6th to 18th Ticker
Lilypie 5th Birthday Ticker