Thursday, March 26, 2009


The chicks are getting big! Here is Kenny cuddling with one :)

Thursday, March 19, 2009


Kenny has not named his chick yet, but he likes to hold him. :)


Here is Jessie with her baby "Pecker", well now she changed the chicks name to "Jessica".


Ricky named his chick "Sweeper"
Kenny's teacher Mrs. Carroll made us some beautiful afgans! The colorful one on the left she made for Kenny and the other one for the baby. She even made a hat and booties - how cute :)

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Easter chicks

Here chick, chick, chick!

Easter chicks

This is what they will look like when they grow up. They are a beautiful copper penny color. The breed is the Buff Orpington. They lay large brown eggs.

When I was growing up in New England I remember a commercial we heard all the time. Their jingle was "brown eggs are local eggs, and local eggs are fresh!"

However, my kids think they are chocolate eggs!

Easter chicks

Here they all are cuddled up under the heat lamp. Right now the only one that has a name is Jessie's little chick. and yes she can tell them apart! Her chicks name is "Pecker." Ha! Ha!

Easter chicks

Our family decided to learn about chickens, and what better way than to get some! We love agriculture, and farm fresh eggs are the best!

Not to mention they make very affectionate pets who come running when they see you. The kids are so happy :)

Baby things

And I found a neat vibrating bouncy chair too. This one has a removeable chair pad so I can wash it too.

Baby things

Last week there was a really nice consignment sale here in town. I found this really neat high chair - it has a removeable tray that goes in the dishwasher! I love it!!!

Baby things

Here is the pretty basinett! It is like new, she only used it a few times then packed it away.

Tennessee Countryside

Later in the day I took a ride into Livingston to pick up a baby bassinet / playpen. Some of the views here in TN are just beautiful :)

Ice Storm

Ice Storm

Ice Storm

Ice Storm

Pine trees have the most trouble. They are down in the road all over town.

Ice Storm

This is a pretty tree at the kids school.

Ice Storm

Saturday morning we woke up to a beautiful ice storm. It looked so pretty - like all the trees were made of glass!


Last night our big goldfish died. Big Fat Fred was over 3 years old! The kids are very sad. We had a fish funeral and buried him last night. We love you Fred :)

Kenny was the only one who did not really get it. He asked to feed Fred this morning - like he asks every day. Well, we reminded him Fred was gone. So, Kenny asked "Where did he go?"

(This would be the same boy that carried him out in his little box to be buried last night!)

Saturday, March 7, 2009

The kids have been wanting me to make them a club house. So, for now I took a bunch of odds and ends and put them together to make a little secret hideout. Even our neighbors came over to play!
Here is the fence again. You can see our big roll in the back. I am standing near all the strawed area now with our house on my left. Mom - see the brown house? This is the house that was for sale last month. The kids wanted you to buy it so they could sing the song "over the river and through the woods to grandmothers house we go!" It is funny, because when the leaves come back out it will disappear!
You have to love a hatchet, they get the job done!

Hey dad - here is my tree! It does not look so big after I stripped off all the branches. But it is as tall as our house is long! Love ya! Joe
Here I am standing in the same spot looking at the back of our home. Look how much land we have cleared!!!!! Remember the picture of our shed - how the woods were right behind it???
This is a closer view of the fence. Our house is on the right - not in the picture.
Here is another shot of the narrow strip. We have cleared all the brush and smaller trees away. Fenced it off (see the small poles in the distance) the straw is covering grass seed.
Our house is on the right of the pool here. We are fencing in the entire back yard. This shows how narrow the muddy back yard is.
See how the woods close in right behind our shed? There is a quarter of an acre to clear!

Here is a few pictures of our old back yard. It was a thin muddy strip of land.
Here is the little changing area that we set up near the livingroom. That way when I am up in the night I won't disturb the sleeping daddy bear. And yes he is a bear when you wake him up just ask the kids!
Here is more of a close up of the strange foamy mold. The doctor said his feet were so flat he should think about a career in finishing cement!

Recently we found out the reason Ricky has been having ankle pain is he has very flat feet. So, we went to see a specialist. They are putting lifts in his shoes to help his bones have an arch. Here he is having his feet molded. Jessie & Kenny got to see too.
Last weekend in Cookeville there was a huge consignment sale - as you can see I found the prettiest pooh swing. Right now I am 17 weeks pregnant, they say the baby is now the size of a turnip :) It's a good thing people don't leave visible fingerprints, Kenny spends all of his time attached to my tummy kissing and hugging the baby. At LEAST 50+ per day!
Aren't these onesies cute too! I love baby things!!! Mom - these are some of the goodies cousin Sherri sent.
I love the teddy bear feet on the polka dot sleeper :)
This outfit has teddy bear ears on the hood - cute :)
I had to share a few pictures of the cute baby clothes Grandma sent. Enjoy!
Hello! I wanted to thank all of my friends and relatives for all of the baby things! Here is our cute little crib - thank you cousin Sherri and Bob in Mass for the new baby mattress! Walmart said it would arrive soon. And of course a few more boxes of baby things :) You are so sweet :) I can't wait to see a picture of baby Ian - can I put him on my blog?
Thank you for all of your prayers this past wednesday, Ricky had his tonsils and adenoids out and is doing good. He is home and in a lot of pain (every 4 hours when the pain meds run out) but his spirits are good. He says thank you Grandma for the huge box of lollipops!

This is a picture from last month of Ricky looking out over a beautiful scenic overlook in Sparta.
Lilypie 6th to 18th Ticker
Lilypie 6th to 18th Ticker
Lilypie 5th Birthday Ticker